Thursday, February 7, 2008

Strange things I've seen while sitting in the library today.

A man dressed like Waldo. Suspenders and all. Funny thing is, I am pretty sure that is just the way he normally dresses. He had green hair and was typing furiously only to break his attention when approached by a woman who seemed very unpleased with him.

This next one is gross... A man's nasty hairy butt. Yes, yes, in the library. Did he forget to put on his boxers today? I think so. Ok, it not his entire butt, he is sitting across form me at a computer. I pray that he is just oblivious to the fact that he is exposing himself, rather than doing it purposley.

Someone sitting across from me searching through a toolbox of sorts with all kinds of miniture gadgets. Power cords and peices of styrofom popcorn, baby light bulbs and more. "Is he making a bomb perhaps?" I thought to my self. He picks out a few items, then puts them on the table in front of him, types something into his laptop and puts the items back. He is most likey just an engenierring student creating something brillant. But, nevertheless looks like he is a bombmaker. I wonder if the FBI will start trackin my blogs now. Well, FBI: if you are reading this, I am totally kidding, he is not a bomb maker, just a student who carriers around lots of random gadgets.

Random note: the ucsd gisel library has a serious lack of electrical outlets, such a bother!


Unknown said...

Maybe you could ask senor bombmaker to fix you up a portable battery pack.

Just don't make any sudden movements around him.

scorchedsquirrel said...

::sighs:: I remember hanging out at the Library. :D I'd hang out in the section where they had all the art magazines and art books and read through them until I fell asleep. No wait, I'd fall asleep while reading my class books and keep awake by reading the art magazines. Either way, it was a very special time, filled with pages of beautiful new art projects and crinked necks from napping in those chairs...