Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas Delight

So, its 1 am and I am shopping in bed. Ordering who knows what for anyone. Do you need anything? Really, though? I find it silly that we all get stressed over what to buy, whom to buy for, how much to spend, when most of us don't need much at all. Sure, I could use a blender or a toaster oven or a new camera; but, really I don't need anything. How did Christmas turn into a huge money swap. That's really all we are doing, transferring money (in material form) from one person to another. I would rather just spend the day with friends and family.

It is possible that I feel this way because I listened to Christmas music for 8 hours today! (at work). Actually, I have listened to it for 8 hours each day since Monday. This is problematic since most of the customers who shop at the La Jolla Trader Joe's are Jewish as well as the fact that it drives me insane. Don't get me wrong, I love Bing Crosby while I am decorating the tree and drinking coco from my beloved Santa mug, just not at work for 8 hours each day.

I am broke. Christmas +UCSD+gas to drive to La Jolla everyday = no money for Anna.


Unknown said...

To be fair, working as a customer service grunt can sour you on music in general. You can only listen to a song so many times before you consider taking drastic measures. And I still can't get over the fact that the Smashing Pumpkins have a Christmas song.

As for the commercialization of Christmas...well, to be honest it's never bothered me. I don't care one way or the other if I receive gifts, but I enjoy giving them, especially now that I have money to spend.

Elizabeth said...

Anna, I thing you just might be my most favorite blogger ever. You are so honest and straightforward. It reminds me of your painfully honest comment you made tonight about arriving in my graduation in a box. hehe.

Elizabeth said...
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Lauren Miller said...

oh elizabeth is now bias. I'm offended. haha. ummm... I agree about christmas music. most def.

Casey said...

See, I read things.

I am will be broked 2. after xmas.

Xmas is actually quite fitting. Where did the point in my life come where I don't look foward to it anymore?

Not that I don't like christmas, I just don't look foward to the debt. I don't make much money as it is, and I don't have much to give, but I am willing, (as proven by my credit card) to give it. I like giving. Its the after effects that I don't really like.

Elizabeth said...

You should write more blogs!!